Adult Choruses

The Virginia Consort is proud to offer performing opportunities for adults.
The Chamber Ensemble
The 35-member core Chamber Ensemble offers a full season of concerts, including two perennially sold-out Christmas with The Consort performances, the Mid-Season Masterworks performance of a major work with an expanded chorus, professional soloists and full orchestra, and an annual spring program, A Little May Music.
Chamber Ensemble rehearsals begin in mid- to late-September and run through early May the following year, with time off from mid-December to early January for the holidays. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings from 7pm to 9pm and are held at The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22901. For the 2024-2025 season, the first rehearsal/callback will be Monday, September 16th, 2024.
The Festival Chorus
Each year, the Chamber Ensemble invites local qualified singers to join them in presenting a major work from the choral-orchestral repertoire as The Festival Chorus, for the Mid-Season Masterworks performance. The Consort recognizes that not all adult singers can commit to a full year of rehearsals and concerts. The Festival Chorus provides a great opportunity for those singers who can carve out time to rehearse from January to March. Past performances include Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna, Franz Joseph Haydn’s Mass in Time of War, Gloria by Poulenc and Verdi’s Requiem.
Festival Chorus rehearsals are held at The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22901. The first rehearsal, where music is distributed for an initial read-through of the pieces, occurs on the second Monday in December. For the 2024-2025 season, the first rehearsal will be December 16th, 2024. Rehearsals are suspended for the holidays and resume the following January running through March culminating in the Mid-Season Masterworks performance.
Membership in both the Chamber Ensemble and Festival Chorus require auditions with the Director. For more information on how to audition, cost of annual dues, and other information, please complete the form on our Contact page.